Sep 14, 2005

Relieved, but sick

Well, no backlash. The story was that on Tuesday, I was really stressing out, and I lost my temper at a co-worker, which turned into a major shouting match. It was all over in a couple minutes, and after it was all over, we both talked it out and smoothed it all over. I was afraid that this would get back to my boss, but it didn' least not for now. Besides, for my boss to freak out over this now would be a bit pointless, however, I wouldn't put it past him. So, everything's cool now. Whew!

A few people around the office have been sick, and I can't tell if I'm the next victim. My throat is getting scratchy, and my stomach is a bit queasy. On the other hand, I had a greasy chicken sandwich and German potato salad for dinner, washing it down with the weakest coffee in the history of the bottomless cup. We'll see in the morning.

If I am still sick or sicker in the morning, I'm still going in to work. It has to be really bad for me to call in sick. Besides, All I really need to do my job is have use of my hands, the ability to focus my eyes, and be relatively free of hallucinations. I've pulled full shifts with 103 degree fever, a puke bucket by my feet. Hell, now that I have a laptop and internet access, I may be able to telecommute if needed.

And I wonder why I can't relax on vacation.

I took a few shots at the office, experimenting with holding a manifying loop over the lens. This little self-portrait says it all for me at this moment.

1 comment:

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Dude! Calling in sick isn't encouraged at my workplace either, but I draw the line at puke buckets!

My boss, on the other hand, would love you.