Sep 11, 2005

Parties, wine and yardwork

Went to a great party out in the country last night. Great friends, great music, great times. I took a bottle of my grandmother's wine, and a lot of people were greatly appreciative, or as they would've said it, "Iieee louvve yooooou, maaan."

The thing you gotta keep in mind is that my Grandmother got her wine recipe from my grandfather, and his stuff was good. However, his wine was a bit stronger and not as sweet as my grandmother's. My dad used to refer to it as the nectar of the gods, generally after a couple glasses of it. Whenever I give someone a glass of this wine, I tell them about my grandfather's funeral reception, where about 100 people had a toast in his honor with his wine. We all raised our glasses, drank, and we all said in unison "whoa, man!" I could picture my Papaw looking down on us all and having a hearty chuckle.

At the party last night, I made a bet with my buddy Nathan, two bets actually. He bet me that Oliver Stone directed Risky Business (which he didn't, and I counterbet because he didn't believe that Quentin Tarantino wrote Natural Born Killers. We were both drunk when we made the bet, so I'm not holding to it, even though If I were, he'd owe me twenty bucks. That's just the kind of guy I am.

Today, I tackled the tremenous task of mowing the back yard next door for the first time in about four months. The grass was waist-high in some places and knee-high in others. It took three passes with the mower to get it all to a manageable length. I couldn't get it all done today, so I'll finish it tomorrow night. After finishing up, I should have enough clippings to make a bale of hay, in case anyone out there needs to feed a horse.

Here's today's pic, taken at the party last night and inspired by Anthony Michael Hall in Sixteen Candles. I have a feeling I'll be doing this anytime I see a glass-top coffee table at a party. For authenticity, I was screaming "JAKE!!!" for the shot.

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