Sep 12, 2005


Work was alright today, i just got tired of dealing with questions I was in no capacity to answer.

When I got home, I finished up with the mowing, had a nice dinner and now, I'm rocking the laptop while watching CSI reruns on Spike.

I was flipping channels and caught the tape of Bush saying he didn't know that FEMA Director Michael Brown had resigned (in disgrace) earlier in the day, even though Brown had issued a statement to the press that he had spoken to the president before handing in his resignation. I don't know which one is lying, but I do know that this is not behavior we should be getting from our government. This is crap you'd expect from a wacky neighbor on a bad sitcom. God help us all.

Speaking of which, here's a picture of a clown, one of the items at the silent auction Saturday night...along with the orchid I won.

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