Sep 23, 2005

I love this woman

I spent my morning in a waiting room. Candy was in the other room having a camera inserted into her to take a look at her girly parts from an agle no one has ever seen before. I won't get into the whole diagnosis, suffice to say that I was (and still am to some extent) a nervous wreck about the whole thing.

The short of it is, Candy is home and quite high on painkillers. Her mom is here and we're taking turns tending to Candy's needs. I'm just trying to be the good boyfriend, letting her know that I love her and I'd do anything for her, and I've got receipts from three different trips to the grocery store to prove it.

I went into the office for a couple hours, but I had to leave because I was so distracted with thoughts of Candy that it was hard to focus. The strange thing is, I went to the office because I was worried about what I was missing at work. Catch-22, I guess.

Here's a pic of Candy and I, taken about a year ago at Oktoberfest.

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