Sep 13, 2005

Cheese, anger and accountability

After getting my cheese steak sandwich for lunch today, I started to wonder: Exactly when did American cheese become white? I remember when I was a child, and my mom got the big block containing 64 slices of American cheese, it was that not-available-in-nature yellowish-orange color. Somewhere, a racist conspiracy-theorist is using this as his main argument.

Something happened today at work that I'm not proud of, and I'll wait to report on it until I find out, if anything, happens tomorrow as a result. The short of it is that I lost my cool. The only reason I bring it up is that there was a weird calm afterwards, however it may be false hope that everything is okay...kinda like the eye of a hurricane.

Speaking of which, history was made today as Bush came as close as he's ever gonna come to a public apology and a even a shred of accountability: "And to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility. I want to know what went right and what went wrong." Record low approval ratings, citizens who once backed him screaming for his head on a platter? The White House asks Americans NOT to put two and two together.

Here's a picture of ice, for no reason whatsoever.

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